The NFSA gratefully accepts donations and sponsorships from individuals and businesses!
To make a donation online using a credit card or bank account please visit our online giving site or scan the QR code on this page.
If you'd like to make a gift by check, please mail it to:
Northfield Fastpitch Softball Association
PO Box 815
Northfield, MN 55057
NFSA Tax ID #: 41-2010902
Thank YOU!
The Northfield Fastpitch Softball Associations provides fastpitch playing opportunities to girls, ages 6-18. Our association is dedicated to meeting the needs of our teams, coaches, sponsors, and community. The NFSA is committed to developing softball players for the Northfield High School Softball program. Our organization fosters team participation and develops athletes to be good leaders, students, citizens, and team players.
Thank you for considering supporting the NFSA and its Raiders and CV Renegades players through a donation. Your generous donation will support the players through the purchase of:
A donation of any amount will make a difference to our players' experience. Thank you for your consideration!
Please select from the following packages:
Hope to see you at Rock Fields! Go Raiders and Renegades!
Fundraising Coordinator